How to Modify Pay Periods in Journyx

Different companies have different pay periods: some pay employees weekly, some bi-weekly, still others monthly. If you’re collecting time data in Journyx for payroll purposes, you’ll want to make sure the periods in Journyx are set to your company’s specific payroll periods. If you have an administrator role in Journyx, you’ll be able to make these changes.

The modification of periods can be accomplished in 5 easy steps. Here’s what to do:

      1. Go to Configuration -> Periods -> Manage Periods 
      2. Click on Create Period in bottom right 
      3. Configure it to how you want the period to exist
      4. Click Save and Assign Users 
      5. Choose the users to whom you want to assign the period

There are a couple of items to note when you make these modifications: This change will be in effect immediately, but the next period your user sees may not be the new period. Journyx creates an arbitrary period that begins the day after the user’s latest period and extends until the day before the new period can be used.

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Journyx helps you track time for projects, payroll, and more. Learn how Journyx can help you use time to your advantage in your business.