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Secrets to Government Contract Success Explained in Journyx Webinars

Industry Experts Offer Wealth of Knowledge in Free Online Courses

AUSTIN, TEXAS (January 13, 2012) – The Journyx Webinar Series kicks off 2012 with new courses and new experts to explain strategies and tactics for succeeding in government contracting. From expanding your work with the defense industry to dealing with audits to successful integration with QuickBooks – these webinars are offered several times per week free of charge.

New webinar titles include:

  • Holding Your Ground: 3 Keys to Expanding Your Government Contracts Now
    • A strong spirit of conservative decision-making has taken over the world of government and defense contracting. Times of program cuts, however, provide significant opportunities, especially for mid-sized companies with a proven track record of defense contracting. How can you convince government decision-makers to expand their relationship with your company? This webinar covers three keys to expanding your visibility and value proposition for defense and government organizations. Presented by Laura Faulkner, PhD, of FalconDay Consulting & Research
  • How to Survive a Compensation Compliance Audit Notice
    • When the Office of Federal Contractor Compliance Programs (OFCCP) sends out a scheduling letter (AKA an audit notice), they require a corrective response within 30 days. The investigative audit asks about your compensation program and AAP (Affirmative Action Plan). Most companies are not prepared to provide this requested data. This webinar will help you prepare for and respond to the OFCCP audit with confidence. Presented by Jim Jutzin of HR-3D / HR Solutions
  • QuickBooks and DCAA – 10 Steps to Approval
    • In this webinar, you will learn the 10 essential steps to modifying QuickBooks to meet government contracting requirements and what is required to pass a DCAA accounting system review. An accounting system (in government terms) is much more than the software package. Thus, there are no “government approved” accounting systems. The government will review or audit the individual contractor’s accounting system. Any organization that chooses to contract with the government must structure their accounting system to meet the defined criteria. Presented by Kevin Duncan, CPA, MBA, of K Duncan & Company
  • Federal Government Contracting – It’s a Whole New World!
    • In 2011, the government spent over $500 billion on private contracts with about 23% of that awarded to small businesses.  The federal customer is completely unique from your commercial clients. Because business is done in a more structured and regulated environment, it is one of the most level playing fields in business for fair and open competition. You, the government, and your competitors all must work within the same guidelines and mandates of the Federal Acquisition Regulation or what is called “the FAR.” This webinar will teach you what you need to know so that you’re fully prepared. Presented by Wes Fue of Timberwolf Enterprises, LLC
  • How Journyx Helps DCAA Clients Manage Employee Time & Projects
    • This webinar demonstrates how Journyx provides efficient and accurate time tracking, resource scheduling and project planning with managerial controls, customization options and reporting features that ensure effective bidding and compliance. Presented by Meredith Zachritz of Journyx

“Winning and working on a defense contract from the United States is an incredibly rewarding experience that can result in substantial financial gains,” said Journyx CEO Curt Finch. “Unfortunately, obtaining one of these contracts is not easy, and there is often stiff competition for coveted budget funds. Navigating the process can be extremely tedious, expensive, and outright unsuccessful if you take the wrong approach. Journyx Webinars get you prepared and increase your chances of success.”

To gain access to registration information, a webinar event calendar and to learn more about the presenters, go to

About Journyx, Inc.

Journyx helps customers automate payroll, billing and cost accounting for compliance with DCAA and other government regulations. Founded in 1996, Journyx has been providing time management solutions to government contractors for nearly 15 years. Over 1,000 companies use Journyx to ensure that they fully comply with DCAA regulations. Journyx provides efficient and accurate time tracking, managerial controls, customization options and reporting features. Customers include Mainstreet Technologies, The Mayvin Consulting Group, KIHOMAC, Schlumberger and many others. For more information, visit

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