Journyx Launches Standard Integration with Dynamics 365 Finance

Chaparral Energy

Chaparral Energy Reduces Field Asset Deployment Costs Using Journyx

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What Journyx did for us:

“What Journyx offers is a means of organizing field operations data in a manner that allows us to feed data to other systems. Having the information organized in a database also makes it much easier to report on usage versus just dollars which is what is usually available out of an accounting system. Better information means better decisions by management on how to best deploy our field assets, resulting in cost savings and a better return on our investments.”

Mike Pearman, Business Systems Analyst

Their Story

Founded 25 years ago by Mark Fischer, independently-owned Chaparral Energy has grown to become a $3.5 billion enterprise, employing more than 700 people. Energy companies are nothing new in Oklahoma, but Chaparral has set itself apart as a company willing to explore new avenues for profit. Chaparral currently maintains an inventory of drilling opportunities in three of these resource plays, and is continuing to develop additional candidates. Many of Chaparral’s CO2 EOR reservoirs were essentially scheduled for abandonment by other energy companies because they didn’t have the expertise to handle tertiary recovery type operations. Chaparral is an expert in this field.”Prior to Journyx, the field hands would fill out a Time and Equipment sheet, record hours worked, equipment used and expenses incurred,” said Pearman. “The Time and Equipment sheets were then transcribed by the accounting group into a spreadsheet for billing through our accounting system. Additionally, the payroll group would transcribe the data into our payroll system so the guys would get paid. This was a duplication of efforts with basically the same data being entered separately into two different systems and still not having the data in a form that allowed for any kind of analysis of hours worked versus hours billed or for tracking equipment utilization.”


“We use Journyx as a database for time tracking, equipment utilization reporting and even some DOT reporting,” said Pearman. “The data entered into Journyx is extracted into custom reports and then uploaded into our accounting system for billing to the well and into our payroll system.

“In total we have approximately 370 field hands, of which about 25% enter their time directly into Journyx. The balance of the field hands still continue to fill out the paper Time and Equipment sheets which are sent to the accounting department where the data is keyed into Journyx.

“We have several thousand wells, facilities, and pieces of equipment that all represent cost centers where we may need to spend time working on repairs, checking on conditions or recording information on daily operations. All of those actions would be recorded on the Time and Expense sheets and eventually entered into Journyx. A typical month would yield about 20,000 lines of data in Journyx. We use AFE’s to accumulate costs on major expenditures. Journyx has the flexibility to allow us to track costs at the AFE level, too.”


“With Journyx, we have been able to organize our data in a way that allows for more and better analysis,” said Pearman. “The original install from Journyx included custom reports that generate uploads for the accounting system for billing, and uploads to payroll for hours worked and expense reimbursement, thus eliminating the double data entry we had to do before.”

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Chaparral Energy

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