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Agency Time Tracking – How to Boost Efficiency & Project Cost Accounting with Software

From project deadlines to lunch meetings, everything your agency does is rooted in time. More efficiency means a higher profit margin—and a missed deadline is money up in flames.

Your team knows your industry, and you could not imagine it any other way. But do you know how to make your time tracking software work for you so that you are doing more than just counting the minutes?

In today’s world, agency time tracking is not an isolated measure of billable and nonbillable hours. Using a comprehensive online employee time tracking system allows you to minimize operations disruptions while maximizing profitability.

Regain Control of Your Workflow

Whether you are focused on continued growth or sitting comfortably for the time being, any agency leader knows how easy it is to lose grasp on an accurate picture of the workflow. If you have experienced rapid growth, you may know this all too well.

Implementing a system for online employee time tracking like Journyx allows your agency to:

  • Track time and expenses. Even if you do not track billable and nonbillable time specifically, it is important to know where your team’s time—and money—is being spent. Our time tracking solution offers the ability to categorize and label time and expenses by project easily to capture an accurate picture of your ROI.
  • Empower team members. While some worry that asking staff to track their time conveys a sense of mistrust, especially with consultants, a rich application that integrates smart solutions—such as auto timesheet population—provides your team with a better sense of how their time is spent without disrupting their natural workflow. With this information, team members are empowered to manage their time in ways that are most effective for them, often resulting in an ability to take on even more work and be more productive.
  • Integrate with existing systems. Bringing in a new application does not mean foregoing what is already working for your agency. Smooth, bidirectional integration with existing payroll systems, project management tools, ERPs, and other core business systems means Journyx is uniquely positioned to support your current processes without disruption. On the other hand, Journyx’s robust project time and expense tracking and resource management software solutions are available if you need an overhaul.
  • Report real-time data. Journyx’s custom syncing capabilities and in-application dashboard give you access to real-time data when you need it—not when it has finally been aggregated after you realized you needed it and then had to make a request to three different departments to compile it. Not only does this streamline efficiency and optimize collaboration, but this increased efficiency means your team can spend their time on more high-stakes work.
  • Communicate progress better. Who does not love good news? Whether you are meeting with potential clients or simply celebrating a job well done, Journyx’s time tracking captures data that capitalizes on big picture success but also on what Harvard Business Review calls “the power of small wins.” Especially on projects with a longer turnaround time, time tracking is a powerful way to demonstrate incremental progress.
  • Provide incentives for flexibility. Today’s workforce is not afraid to work hard, but they demand flexibility. With that flexibility comes a work-life integration not seen in previous generations. Two-thirds of managers expect employees to be reachable during personal time, and most employees are happy to comply as long as the definitions of work and personal time remain flexible in a way that is mutually beneficial. User-friendly mobile time tracking is essential in an integrated work environment.

You Can Take It with You

Whether your team is working from their home offices or out and about supporting clients—or perhaps taking advantage of the work-life balance afforded by robust time tracking and sitting on a beach in Ibiza—today’s time tracking for consultants or employees is only as good as its mobile functionality.

Journyx’s powerful mobile app can be used on any iOS or Android device. Simultaneously user-friendly and inclusive, users at various levels can do what they need while on the go.

  • Easy time and expense entry. Select a day and a project, and log the time. If needed, employees can create expense entries and even include receipt images on the go, which means no more lost receipts resulting in missed billable expenses.
  • Convenient timesheet management. Managing time effectively sometimes means working in unexpected places. What better way to spend time waiting for an appointment or a flight than whipping out your smartphone and approving time and expense submissions from your team?

By reducing the amount of time spent manually entering, reviewing, and correcting timesheet entries, you are giving your agency the greatest gift of all—their time.

To learn more about how Journyx can customize an employee time tracking system for your business, contact us to speak with a representative and schedule a demo.

Let’s Get Started. Book a Demo Today.

Journyx helps you track time for projects, payroll, and more. Learn how Journyx can help you use time to your advantage in your business.