Monday Link Ups — The Best Dynamics AX, SL Support Communities are Here!

You might remember in our most recent monday link-ups post, we put a heavy emphasis on GP. Well this week, we’re going to branch out and show a little bit of love to our SL and AX friends. There is so much support out there for these other three fan-favorites that we thought we’d be remiss if we didn’t put the spotlight on them as well.

  • The Microsoft Dynamics AX Forums has a robust community of users sharing info and learning together. The community for AX ranks at about 19,000 companies using the software as their ERP solution with the software being pitted against big competition like Oracle.
  • The Microsoft Dynamics SL Forums is key to implementing your ERP Software, with SL ranking at about 13,500 companies deploying it as their solution in 2014, you’ll need all the help you can get. They boast training videos and CustomerSource access at the tips of your fingers.
  • AXUG is not just a silly acronym for the in-crowd, it’s access to the community beyond even the forums. You get the latest updates, the inside scoop, access to partners and vendors catering and tailoring their solutions to AX. Highly recommend.
  • DSLUG is essentially AXUG but tailored toward SL users, vendors and partners. If you’re ERP solution is SL, we could not recommend more that you join this group and get involved ASAP.

There are also tons of ways to be a part of the community online and in the social space. Check out these LinkedIn and Google+ groups and pages to get involved with. 


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