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How Much Does Time Tracking Software Cost?

When you’re evaluating software to solve certain business problems (such as cost-effective solutions for project time, expense, and equipment or for time and attendance tracking), one of the first things you probably look for on the software vendor’s website is pricing.

How much is this software going to cost? At Journyx, we’re often asked why we don’t have pricing information readily available on our website. It’s a very good question, and something we would ask in your position, too.

There are a lot of options out there when it comes to buying enterprise-grade business software. Some software you can simply buy off the shelf; but when it comes to purchasing software to solve a complex business problem, you want to make sure that you work with a vendor that will put the time and effort into the process of understanding your requirements and delivering a solution to meet those needs to the best extent possible. This fundamental concept is why we, at Journyx, feel we just can’t provide an off-the-shelf price for a non-off-the-shelf set of needs.

Many things can influence the price of enterprise software, including:

So what is the pricing for Journyx?

Our products are priced on a per license, per month basis. We offer a time and attendance solution for payroll—which lists for $5 per user per month—and a project time tracking solution—which lists for $13 per user per month. Please note that onboarding, integrations, additional modules, and time clocks can add to these prices, yet contract length and a large number of licenses can influence these prices in your favor.

You can compare our core products and features here.

This is why we go through a “needs analysis” with you at the beginning: to determine these requirements and put together a custom solution that fits your needs. Then, we provide an obligation-free demo of our custom solution for your business.

Check out our ROI calculator to get an idea of what kind of ROI you can expect from implementing a Journyx time tracking solution within your organization.

Contact us today for a quote to find out the specific pricing for your solution.

Let’s Get Started. Book a Demo Today.

Journyx helps you track time for projects, payroll, and more. Learn how Journyx can help you use time to your advantage in your business.