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Three Vital Features of Time Tracking Software

In any business, it is absolutely essential to carefully track employee time. But is your time tracking solution giving you all of the features you need to optimize your workforce?

Recording Employee Hours for Payroll

The most basic function of time tracking software is recording hours for employee payroll. These systems keep account of each employee’s work hours, and make schedule planning and timecard tracking simple, transparent, and easy. With an automated time and attendance system, workforce data collection is done far faster, and with far fewer errors, than manual time accounting methods. If your organization is just getting by with tracking employee hours manually in a spreadsheet, it is time to consider an upgrade.

All of this ensures you have an accurate count of the hours that are spent on the job, on break, or even on PTO by each employee. This vital workforce data is ready to be automatically processed in your payroll solution through the use of powerful integrations.

Journyx timekeeping goes a step further, providing real-time visibility for employee status and task tracking. This means that supervisors and managers can get up-to-the-minute data about which employees are clocked in, instantly see when employees clock in or out, and can even track employee progress on specific tasks.

Projecting Workloads and Timelines

With advanced time tracking software, your supervisors and employees can see how much time is being spent on each job and task. Knowing how much time it takes to finish certain types of work allows you to accurately estimate future work and make realistic timelines to set expectations for customers and employees. Greater visibility gives you more control over optimizing your workforce to meet your business objectives.

Managing Complex Projects

Correctly managing complicated projects that involve a lot of employee coordination can be difficult. However, with capable time tracking software, project management is made easier.

Powerful time tracking software gives employees the ability to provide status updates and change task logging throughout a shift. This ensures their work is tracked as it is completed, which is essential for collaborative efforts with other employees and teams.

Tracking hours, clarifying timelines, and monitoring how tasks are progressing all give your organization’s leadership a clear picture of even the most complicated projects.

Is Your Current Time Tracking Solution Keeping Up?

The principal features mentioned here are the essentials for time tracking software, but this is only the beginning. Many employers use solutions that only handle the most primitive hour logging, and lack tools to monitor expended time, or display task tracking information as it is logged.

If you have found that your current timekeeping solution is not giving you the tools to run your business efficiently, it is time to invest in a feature-complete automated time and attendance system with powerful time tracking options. Schedule a free demo today to see how Journyx can meet and exceed your timekeeping needs.

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Journyx helps you track time for projects, payroll, and more. Learn how Journyx can help you use time to your advantage in your business.