Simplify Your Time Tracking Experience in MS Dynamics 365 with Journyx
In biology, an ecological niche is the near perfect match that exists between a species of creature and a specific environmental condition. This is due to any evolutionary adaptations the organism has developed in order to allow it to thrive under specific conditions within an environment. For example, the Kirkland’s Warbler, a small grey and lemon yellow bird, survives in the forests of Michigan only as long as its environment is disturbed by wildfires in order to allow for its favorite nesting tree to grow, just as Microsoft Dynamics 365 now presents a specific environment in which Journyx time tracking software uniquely and perfectly fills a needed technological niche.
Journyx time tracking and resource management solutions provide answers to many business necessities that arise on a daily basis, tracking company time and expenses in a unique and innovative way that allows employers to foresee issues before they arise, and provide employees with an easier and less frustrating (and therefore more accurate) time tracking experience.
Take project cost accounting, one of the key issues that the finance and operation side of businesses struggle with. Finance leaders using Dynamics 365 Business Central (or Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations) need to account for project time costs in the same way they account for other project costs (e.g. hard costs) – by project, phase, cost center, activity type, etc. – and when it’s all said and done, they need all these costs to be tracked and analyzed in Dynamics 365.
How do we facilitate an environment in which there is a higher degree of communication among those assigning projects and those completing them in a way that is as streamlined as possible? The solution is simple: track the individual aspects of the project as well as the whole in a way that allocates the necessary resources to each component. That is, keep track of the cogs in order to see the picture of the entirety of the clock. The Journyx solution does just this, giving finance and operations leaders a clearer picture of where the project is going, and allowing employees to give more consistent feedback regarding the progress of their work, as well as tracking time and expenses against individual budget components. This detailed, real-time, and accurate communication is crucial to both successful project management and effective project cost accounting.
Journyx has also adapted to minimize user effort, taking advantage of the evolution of technology, such that it is both compatible with and acts as an extension of existing company business software. In addition to integrating with your existing MS Dynamics 365 ERP system, Journyx is engineered to connect with resources that your company is already using: calendars, phone systems, project management tools, GPS – such that the timesheet almost “fills itself out.” Moreover, the Journyx time tracking system uses an AI learning algorithm to become more attuned to what these inputs mean, improving accuracy and detail with each timesheet submission.
Journyx is cloud-based, so it works where your employees work. Employees can access the software from their desktop, or use the Journyx mobile app in order to track their time on the go. This eliminates the need for paper time tracking, as well as time tracking being limited to a single network. The Journyx mobile app (available for both iOS and Android) allows employees to keep track of their weekly hours, track time from their phones, and review project resources quickly and conveniently for a smoother time tracking experience. In the time tracking world, greater accessibility means greater accuracy.
There are many animals that fulfill the needs of their ecological niche, however, few do so as perfectly as those animals that are uniquely suited to an environment that has been ever changing around them. Much in this same way, Journyx is the adaptive time tracking solution to a constantly evolving business world, particularly with its new one-of-a-kind integration with MS Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Learn more about the benefits of Journyx or Journyx for D365 Business Central.
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Journyx helps you track time for projects, payroll, and more. Learn how Journyx can help you use time to your advantage in your business.